Helicopter parents stand back, please!
An intrepid 8-year-old climbs to the top of a post where one end of a horizontal rope ladder begins. Can he hang and move across hand by hand? Nope, not strong enough. So, he starts again, this time sits atop the rungs and eases his way along -- on his bum. He figured it out! Gets to the end and slips down between ladder rungs to the turf. Stands and looks back triumphantly. And nary an adult in sight.
The Mounds are not your typical playground. Three hills with deep valleys between them. For decades they were an asphalt covered teen hangout. Today, the mounds are covered by artificial grass where kids run, jump, tumble, and hang. The rope ladder is suspended between two mounds. Another mound boasts a web of black ropes to climb on, test your agility, and figure out new ways to play.
That is, if parents would just go away.
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